Health and Wellness FAQs
- 学生和员工应监测自己的健康状况,并识别可能与Covid-19或任何其他传染病一致的症状, 以下列出了一些Covid-19症状,其他症状可在以下网站找到:
- Fever
- Chills
- Cough
- 呼吸短促或呼吸困难
- Muscle or Body Aches
- Headache
- New Loss of Taste or Smell
- Sore Throat
- Congestion or Runny Nose
- 学生和员工必须通过电话334-833-4440或电子邮件向健康与健康部门报告症状 有人会尽快回复你的.
- 如果您有与Covid-19相符的症状或Covid-19检测呈阳性,请立即行动 NOT go to class or come to campus.
- 所有个体测试都需要隔离
- Please do NOT come to campus.
- Contact Health and Wellness for guidance.
- 请计划在校外隔离,因为我们不会提供隔离住房.
- 如果检测呈阳性并出现症状,则隔离期为从出现症状开始算起的10天. You may leave isolation when:
- 10天隔离期结束后,第11天; and
- 在没有药物帮助的情况下至少24小时没有发烧; and
- 你没有症状,或者你的症状有了很大的改善.
- 如果您在10天隔离期之前没有症状/发烧,请参见下文.
- 如果检测呈阳性且无症状,在以下情况下可以解除隔离:
- 自检测阳性之日起已满5天; and
- You have remained asymptomatic; and
- 您提供的Covid-19检测结果为阴性; and
- 与他人接触时,必须多戴5天口罩.
The day that you test positive, if asymptomatic, 或者你的症状开始的那天被认为是第0天.
- Asymptomatic (no symptoms)
- No quarantine is necessary.
- 每天自我监测是否有新冠病毒样症状.
- Symptomatic (see What if I get sick)
- Quarantine from others; and
- Do not come to campus or go to class; and
- Seek Covid-19 testing; and
- Contact Health and Wellness.
- Was I within 6 feet of the person who tested positive; and did contact last for at least 15 minutes; and has the person tested positive within a 24-hour period?
- 我是否与检测呈阳性的人住在一起?
- 我是否直接接触过感染者的分泌物或与感染者有过亲密接触?
如果你在病人检测呈阳性或症状开始的48小时内对上述任何一项说了“是”, then you are considered a close contact. 你可以在这里找到有关密切接触者暴露的更多信息: /冠状病毒/ 2019 - ncov / daily-life-coping / determine-close-c html.
- 接种疫苗并及时更新Covid-19疫苗.
- Covid疫苗接种不是必需的,但强烈建议接种.
- Wash hands frequently.
- Cover coughs and and sneezes.
- 清洁和消毒你的生活和工作区域.
- Wear a well-fitted face mask.
- Stay 6 feet away from others when able.